Monday, March 07, 2011

Youngsters Smoking Cannabis at a Risk of Mental Illness

Commonly used illegal drug across the world, especially among teenagers and youngsters. A recent study conducted by the European scientists has discovered that smoking Cannabis doubles the risk of mental illness in teenagers. The use of cannabis can provoke paranoia, hallucinations and bizarre behavior. The use of Cannabis also triggers extreme aggression and violence among teenagers. It was also found that people who tolerate smoking cannabis have continuous mental problems as compared to those who stop.

The experts also claim that smoking cannabis also activates psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia in susceptible youngsters. In order to study the impact of cannabis, a study was conducted on 1,900 volunteers aged 14 to 24, none of whom had any history of psychotic symptoms. The study was continued for a period of 10 years. The results found that those who had started cannabis for the first time during the study had doubled the risk of developing psychotic symptoms and mental illness. Experts say that the study will provide support to the widespread public opposition to the validation of cannabis. The use of cannabis is considered hazardous and it affects the individual and culture so teenagers are advised to stay away from smoking cannabis.

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