Monday, March 14, 2011

Lifeline focuses on mental health in the office

LIFELINE Macarthur struck another waft against the stigma of Mental illness when it hosted a symposium on Mental health in the workplace at its Smeaton Grange centre on Thursday. UWS clinical psychology professor Rocco Crino and Michael Hall, chief executive officer of the Wild Works organization which helps businesses align and engage their staff, jointly presented to give the 60-strong spectators insights into both the personal and corporate aspects of dealing with mental health issues.

While NSW State Liberal leader Barry O’Farrell took the opportunity to deliver his party’s policy on mental health, Lifeline Macarthur’s chief executive officer Peter Mihajlovic kept his praise for the two speakers who delivered potent messages on addressing Mental health issues in the workplace and the community. “Rocco spoke about types of mental disorders and why it is important to address them in the workplace and walked us through a case study of engaging with someone with mental health issues, then Michael spoke on the corporate viewpoint and what employers, supervisors and managers can do.” “It was an excellent presentation which inspired a vigorous question-and-answer time and had people asking us for details of the next symposium, which we will clutch if there is sufficient demand”

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