Friday, October 01, 2010

Nottinghamshire Fitnesscare

Nottinghamshire Healthcare is positive about providing mental health and learning disability services. Over 6,000 dedicated staff provide these services in a variety of settings, ranging from the community through to acute wards, as well as secure settings. The Trust also manages two medium secure units, Arnold Lodge in Leicester and Wathwood Hospital in Rotherham, and the high secure Rampton Hospital near Retford. We will continually improve our services and our patient, service user and carer experience, as well as reducing the stigma associated with mental illness and learning disabilities.


We are committed to being recognised as the leading provider for mental health and learning disability services – locally relevant, national important. Some of the Trust’s exceptional services will be showcased including the Prison In-Reach service, Recovery services in the County and the Releasing Time to Care initiative. The day will also feature the Trust’s inaugural Members’ Meeting as it moves towards Foundation Trust status.“It is really important that the people who use our services or have an interest in them have their say on what they think we do well and where we could improve. Our new Members’ Council demonstrates our commitment to this, but we offer many other ways for people to get involved and more information on this will be available on the day.”

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