Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mental Fitness Program In Ottawa

OTTAWA —The Royal Ottawa Foundation for Mental Health has received a $1.5 million donation that will fund a new women’s mental health program. The funding is coming from community builder and philanthropist Shirley E. Greenberg. The donation will help create the Shirley E. Greenberg Resource Centre for Women at The Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre, which was officially opened Tuesday, the hospital said in a media release.
The new program is intended to promote mental health and wellbeing for women, the release says by "ensuring that the unique biological, social and cultural needs of women are embedded into mental health care and research," the release said.“Women and men experience life differently from both a social and physiological perspective.“Women and men experience life differently from both a social and physiological perspective.

The program will focus on:
• Providing resources and support specific to women’s needs.
• Understanding and improving how women experience treatments for mental illness and integrating the female perspective into clinical care throughout The Royal and the region.
• Funding research that specifically examines women’s mental health.
• Providing education to promote early detection of mental illness, guidance in seeking care, accessible resources, coping skills.
• Educating caregivers, the community, and women everywhere about the unique ways in which mental ill health affects women and their families.

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